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Strength & Conditioning Bible by Spin City
Hoop Xpole Pro 900mm Without Point Is this product available? You can check here ! X-POLE Pro Hoops are 24mm in width and are the current industry standard size. These are perfect for performances and more advanced tricks and drops. Also for those aerialists who are comfortable with the smaller hand grip.
Zuecos Plataformas Altas Devious FLAMINGO-801 Couleurs : Transparente/ Negro – Negro - Transparente/blanc
Zuecos Plataformas Altas Devious FLAMINGO-802 Couleurs : Transparente – Transparente/noir
Zuecos Tacones Fabulicious CHIC-01 Transparente
Botas Plataformas Pleaser DELIGHT-2000 Negro barniz
Zuecos Plataformas Pleaser DELIGHT-602 Transparente
Zapatos Plataformas Pleaser DELIGHT-687 Negro barniz
Sandalias Tacones Altos Pleaser DOMINA-119 Negro barniz
Sandalias Tacones Altos Fabulicious LIP-125 Negro barniz
Botas Altos Tacones Altos Pleaser SEDUCE-3063 Negro barniz
Botas Plataformas Hautes Pleaser ADORE-2023 Negro mate
Botas Plataformas Pleaser DELIGHT-2023 Rojo barniz